Sunday, October 14, 2012

I Haven't Posted in Forever!

Between a packed full summer to the busy first month with two kids, I completely forgot I even had a blog. haha. I'm back now and back to posting. :)

Matthew was born at home in the water on September 13th. Having a homebirth was such a great experience and I will definitely do it again. I'm glad I did the hospital birth with Elliott so now I am able to compare the two- how was pre and post partum care was with both, what the birth was like with both, and hospital stay vs. being in my own home in my own bed. 

Life with two kids is busy! It's taken a month, but I feel like we are finally getting in a good routine. It helps that Elliott is so sweet and loving to his brother and wanting to help out any way he can. I find that I actually do better getting out the door on time because I allow myself more time to get ready knowing that I have two kids to tend to and pack for. 

The other exciting highlight on our month was that we found a new replacement dog blanket for Elliott! YAY! His first one was a baby shower gift from a friend out of town so when he got attached to it and couldn't sleep without it, we couldn't find it anywhere. The problem was, it smelled awful. Two years of sucking on this thing, dragging it around, bringing it everywhere. 

Zach finally found one on ebay and we quickly bought it. The new one was so clean, nice and fluffy! 

I'm glad a friend suggested I not throw out his old one because even though he still calls the new one his doggy, he's not able to fall asleep with it. We keep his old, stinky one hidden during the day, but he still needs it at night to fall asleep. 

Our anniversary was on Wednesday. Three years! 

I'm so happy and thankful to be married to the love of my life. He is my everything! Zach surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of red roses and some awesome gifts. He ended up having the day off which was nice. :) After the kids went to bed, we ordered in sushi, watched a movie, and enjoyed a quiet evening together at home. 

Elliott is officially in a toddler bed now. He's still learning how to sleep in it though. LOL

I've been doing cloth diapering for about 2 weeks now. It's definitely easier practicing and learning on an infant than a toddler since they just lay there and you can move things around or readjust things without them getting impatient or trying to roll over/get up. I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it now and realizing it's not that hard! 

Finally, I thought I'd leave you all with a recipe. 'Tis the season for all things pumpkin. Even though we're eating dairy and gluten free over here, we still had to figure out a good pumpkin bread! Should I admit that we ate almost the whole loaf- besides two pieces- in one night? ;) Anyway, here is a delicious and healthy recipe for pumpkin bread: 

5 eggs
1 cup pumpkin puree (make sure it's just pumpkin listed on the ingredients)
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 tblsp cinnamon
1/4-1/2 cup honey

Heat oven to 400 degrees. Mix everything together with a hand mixer until smooth. Pour into greased loaf pan. Make sure it is well greased because it tends to stick to the bottom. Bake 13-18 minutes. Best when served warm with butter. :)