Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We've Moved!

Phew! It's been a busy week with us moving from the apartment we've been in since we've been married into a house. And I have to say, I am loving all this space....closets, 2 car garage, backyard, three patios, and so much wall space for pictures and decorations! (I've been going crazy on Pintrest.) Even though we had a month to move everything over, I was just too excited to have a house to stay in the apartment any longer and we got it all done in a day. Once those 14 stairs to get to our apartment were starting to get annoying, I just reminded myself of the fantastic workout I was getting basically going up a stair stepper all day long and it gave me the motivation to finish it up. HAHA!

Elliott had a little bit of a hard time adjusting at first. He would get scared if left in any room by himself and didn't sleep too well the first couple of nights. He's a lot better now. He'll venture into other rooms to play by himself now, but always comes back periodically to check on me and see what I'm doing. He loves having a backyard. Every morning he wakes up and grabs his shoes and asks to go outside. The backyard is all fenced in and just rocks and dead grass so it's been so nice that I can let him go outside without having to watch him or worry about it. Here he is doing "the honey badger" on our bed. :)

I am so thankful and we are so blessed to have found this wonderful house to rent in the exact area we were looking to move to and that the rent was lowered to just what was in our price range. God is so good!

I am also sharing a recipe that we used quite a bit while our dishes were still in boxes and wanted a quick and easy clean up dinner.

Foil Fish
Frozen fish fillets (any kind- salmon, tilapia, cod, etc)
Spices (whatever you have, whatever sounds good)
Any vegetables in your fridge (we had a lot of carrots, zucchini, squash, and broccoli)

Basically you just throw it all together in a square piece of foil and wrap it up like this.

Bake at 400 degrees for 11-15 minutes. So easy and tastes delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Oohhh! I am going to try the fish! I can't wait to see your place! If I can do anything to help out please let me know!
