The thing I was most interested to try was a homeopathic remedy called "Good Morning Mama".
This pregnancy was just bad timing I guess because there is NO WHERE you can buy it. Everyone is back-ordered and out of stock. After fighting on the phone with two different companies two different times for taking my money, but not having "Good Morning Mama" in stock even though their website claimed that they did (and I did finally end up getting my money back), I gave up trying to track this remedy down. I'll order it way in advance for the next one because I want to try it!!!
Anyway, the next item on the list was a prenatal vitamin. I'll be honest, I didn't think a vitamin would do anything. After all, I had tried two nausea prescriptions already and THOSE didn't even work. My midwife told me it would help bring my minerals and electrolytes in balance plus be high in things like folate, B vitamins, zinc, and iron which would help take away the nausea. I might as well give it a shot!
What makes this prenatal different from the others is that it's all whole foods. When you read the ingredient list, all the vitamins come from whole foods and superfoods. There is nothing synthetic about it. That is what is supposed to help taking it when you're nauseated or on an empty stomach because it's easier for your body to digest. The first two days I saw that 3 was the serving size and took them all in the morning. I felt so sick and texted the midwife to tell her the prenatals made it worse. Then she told me you are supposed to space them out throughout the day. Ohhhhh. :)
So I've been taking them four days now...spacing them out between morning, afternoon, and night and let me say, it works!!! No throwing up, I've been out and about running errands and grocery shopping, and today even tackling multiple house cleaning projects. Now, granted, I don't feel 100% yet. Stomach still doesn't feel back to normal completely yet...still a bit unsettled. Certain smells do make me gag and certain foods still just look and sound disgusting to me, but the 24/7 feeling of needing to throw up and not being able to drag myself off the couch is totally gone with this prenatal. I'm so happy to have found something that works and to have found something this soon. With Elliott I was 20 weeks before feeling how I do now at only 14 weeks. What an answer to prayer!
To celebrate feeling good for this many days in a row (LOL), we are headed to the library to try out their toddler reading time. Elliott has finally been getting into books and wanting books read to him. Plus he just loves to get out and loves to be with other kids. :) Should be fun!
I absolutely love these prenatals! I started taking them when I was about 10 weeks and couldn't believe the difference. When I had my blood work done it was healthier than a woman who isn't pregnant (as far as iron and platelet counts etc.) my midwife asked me what I was doing! So glad you discovered them too. They are worth the extra money